Your Authenticity & ministry coach
feature character
Hope Healing Heart
Inspired by Ezekiel 11:19, Hope Healing Heart teaches that the heart is the most important for deep communication while her parents struggle with their burden of not being able to open their hearts and heal the past.
Will they decide it's time to take Hope's advice?

How an Authenticity & Ministry Coach can work for you!
Is it time to take control of who you are and discover your
beautiful and whacky inner multitudes?
The more you explore yourself, the more you can rediscover your passions, your wonderful eccentricities, and the sooner you can stop acting like people want you to, and more like the person you want to become.
Here are some examples that you may relate to;
how to forgive yourself, how to have more fun, and how to overcome burn-out.
Oftentimes, in order to fit in, we suppress our inner selves and develop what we call “character traitors” that can lead to self-sabotage and later unhappiness.
Learn to laugh at yourself AND heal any negative personality traits with an authenticity coach...
Acting House of Healing will help you discover and heal your not-so-flattering character traitors with forgiveness
and a touch of humor.
How is this accomplished?
By bringing your authentic selves to life as personal characters, with whom you can learn to understand and converse with. We ultimately turn those negative character traitors into character traits.
The answer is YES!
Wondering who they could be?
AHH's Character Traitor workshops can help
you discover your own character traitors or negative personality traits.
Learn how to express these emotions and how to deal with them going forward.
It is a dynamic, original and most importantly, humorous way to explore yourself.
Discover your own Character Traitors!
Can an Authenticity & Ministry Coach work with your Character Traitors?

When you know what you do,
then you can do what you know

A look at AHH's Authenticity & Ministry Coach!

Listen to April's 'how to have fun with your inner character traitor' podcasts now wherever you listen to podcasts.
Watch the latest videos on youtube now!